Sunday, 26 February 2012

One for Dave France

This one’s about Red Indians he said
I saw some red lines and a triangle and said
Why don’t you do some still lives like the fruitbowl
on your mum’s sideboard? Get paid
Do Red Indians and landscapes in your spare time
Get famous later

Last I heard on facebook he’d gone to Venice and
of course I thought Italy? at the time
But what if he went to Southern California with
his long arms back in 1994
and I missed him there too?

Copyright © 2012 J A Lee

Saturday, 18 February 2012

to be continued

everyone on the web’s now a poet
an artist
poetic artist
and sometimes they’re also photographers
who do weddings and meetups.
Poetic photographer artists then?

in the old days say
about five or six years ago
or maybe ten or fifteen when
i was in class learning how
it was more difficulter
to get noticed without appearing
wearing a hooded leather winter coat and shades and
tweaking and sweating through hazy paranoid bravado
at the community college creative writing class to read
from your own commissioned textbook you know
your own poems created in writing class and for
homework and freaking out catholic teen girls
with your poems about burning her white cat fluffy alive or
at least you might as well have been burning her fluffy charred cat
alive right there in class reading
your hazy brave unpoems on the overdose death
of a god who fucked about and all this with cannabis
and dangerous drugs

would it perhaps have been a better statement then
to grab her stupid cat right from the hand carved pages of her homework
cut out its liver alive and set it alight on her student desk?
would she have learned she didn’t have to try to be a poet?
would she have gone to the anthropology class instead?
would she have cared her stupid cat was dead? probably
it would have caused a wok sized stir and big Tom college security chief
would have been summoned from his cosy poker
made a brief and scenic arrest and dragged off a poet
jailed him in his trailer office a while while
proper cops came in real black and whites with cuffs

was it ever even about making a statement though?
wasn’t it more about saying clever paragraphs
getting people to think back backwards?

course if i’d known about the internet back then
if there’d been an internet in the desert
i could have just ordered free business cards with
poet on them in one of five or six bold fonts
with an email address and maybe my cell number and
paid only the postage and gone about creating
blogs and publishing all the daft thoughts that drip
constantly unmetered from my sore fingers
i would not have needed to go
to all the trouble of learning graphic design
on the pastor’s apple back in the 1984 kitchen and smoking
all that dope in 1996
wouldn’t have needed to go to kinko’s at death of night
having worked there all death of day
to make perfect citylight sized books
saddle stitch them then
cover up the saddle stitching with awfully creative binding
do not try this at home
to make sure a catholic teen girl didn’t wind up tetanus shot at e r
for cutting her fingers on a rusty staple to be continued

somewhere in her catholic dream universe
a non-charred cat has a poetry blog of her own now

Copyright © 2012 J A Lee

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Neighbours. Everybody needs good neighbours to watch
our backs and protect us from the stately mob,
shore up the cracks in the crumbling ancient fabric
of our vicious big society club. 

We need good hearted neighbours to turn us in to
lash us fast to the stake and burn us properly down to the ground.
We need neighbours to bind us in the village stocks and
lob their rotten allotment crops at our bewildered mops. 

We need illiterate neighbours to publish our memoirs abroad
and hungry illegitimate neighbours to shout out all about
our goings in and comings out and gorge themselves
on the intimate details of our private lives.

We need trusty klepto-neighbours to spy on us from behind
their rusty iron curtains and line us up
against the garden wall and haul our dirty smalls
back to their lairs to sniff while they type up their reports.

We need a thespian neighbour to enter our home in a mask
of friendship and without letting her commission slip
or even looking slightly shady go back and share
her findings discreetly with the landlady.

We need a nautical neighbour to construct an ark
under cover of dark and the eyesore yellow tarp
in his boathouse yard and help God flush us commies out
and swill us down the Tory spout. 

We need psycho-neighbours we can trust to do their best
to slice the tightrope on which we balance
the wheelbarrow of our deep dark fears and rest
the tears we’ve tried to leave behind. 

We need engineering neighbours to dig up our drains and summon all their mates
to view the remains, inspect the goodies and moderate a mass debate.
We need them to send the not-so-flushed contents for a DNA test
lest there could be any doubt about our filthy guilty state and then 

to take our cash and use the ill-gotten gains
to draw up diagrams, make plans for our demise
with lies and slander, defaming our good nature
without reserve, without restraint. 

We need outstanding neighbours to parade
their smug paper grins at holiday street parties
and crown themselves with the awards they scored
for sticking their antisocial boot up some local arses. 

What we really need is a neighbour who will go the third and fourth miles
to extract the last gobful of bile from right inside our fading smiles or
how ‘bout a neighbour with a radio telescope trained on our personal calls?
Or one with CCTV cameras installed instead of eyeballs? 

Better yet let’s have a neighbour with a uniform and truncheon
going about our business all legit to verify our organs function!
Or perhaps a neighbour who will flush himself right down our loo
in search of the stickiest stinkiest piece of poo? 

Do you think this will do, good neighbour? Do you?
Do you think at all or do you just crawl inside your bed
at night and lie there wrapped up tight in fright and hope
your big society dope’s not just a joke, not just in your head? 

What we really need is a neighbour who doesn’t mind
our own business, has no cameras for eyes, speaks no lies
about us, with no ties to big society, big bro; to tell it true
what we really don’t need is you!

Copyright © 2012 J A Lee

Wednesday, 1 February 2012



                                feed and listen to a body

                                                             absorb some energy

                                                feed some of Luther’s birds

                discuss beauty a while

                                                       get some air

                                                ask the leaves for music
                         soft as breath


                                                oxygen for the flame

                experiment with Bunsen burners

                   salt air in your nostrils

                warm water



                                                b   r   e   a   t   h   e

                       pace the field again

    underline a concept or two

                                                                tear off your pants


Quartz Hill, California 1996
copyright © 2012 J A Lee