Sunday, 22 January 2012

First amendment

I must confess it's hard
writing poetry when all the decent words have been used up
and the indecent ones are disabled for your own safety
all the feelings have been expressed and everything you like or detest
has already been filmed in three jolly dee.

I need a new experience but when I phoned they said
all the best . . . booked up . . . next ten years
. . . owing to . . . potential vat increase and
social service cuts . . . finance a new Iranian war.
It was a really bad line of course.

Perhaps then the best course
may be to steer backwards down the literary high seas
criticise someone's already famous rhymes and submit
an essay to a poetry blog but quick
before it goes offline in the virtual war.

Oh gracious oh goddes shall I seek inspiration
in your solid gold X-Box, your four thousand pound sandal?
Is your antique Aston Martin designed to make me scream
or cry in my local pint?
Or shall I purchase my poems cheap now they're past
their sell buy date and moulding your fair trade brie?

I must admit it's a bit of a squeeze
coming up with words that ease your dainty conscience
when all the art's been sterilised, boxed up
commercialised and supersized, disenfranchised, sold out
advertised, materialised and left to die left
to dry out the sun dried vine dried reader.

Here's a teaser dear editor
dear dealer in syllables, investor in riddles
collector of puzzles and giggles oh man in the middle.
Here's your horoscope and here's straight dope to give you
proverbial hope or better rope. It's not the kids you're protecting

but their parents whose dreams of connecting with them
you deny with your censorship, your rubber stamped sadistic
whip your tired tongues and limpid lips, those you claim
to represent. Don't stake your claim in my email box please
don't let my name be mingled with your dinosaur disease.

Don't fly your flag or try to guess what's in my bag man
don't tell me your aim is art which is liberty and please
don't try with your platitudes, your saintly attitudes
to let me sell my soul for some place in your nice clean hole
the stinking grave of your torpid ghost.

Copyright © 2012 J A Lee

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